Friday, October 31, 2014

College News - Week of Oct. 31

President Greg Hamann will be heading to Puebla, Mexico Nov. 6 for a seven week professional development trip, where he, along with his wife, Rita, will attend the Spanish Institute of Puebla, a Spanish immersion program focusing on the region’s culture and language. As part of our commitment to becoming the “College of Choice” for the region’s growing population of college-aged people of Hispanic descent, Greg decided that learning Spanish would be a good way to use his Professional Development Leave. He will return to campus January 5.  Executive Vice President Beth Hogeland will serve as acting president in Greg’s absence. Read more about the Spanish Institute of Puebla at:

The LBCC Foundation kicked-off its “Mission Possible” Annual Fund Drive with a goal to raise $70,000 in employee contributions. Donation letters are being delivered to departments this week. Last year, employees gave $66,115 to the annual drive. Your donations helped the Foundation award $141,675 in student scholarships and aid, and provided funding for college programs including the Arts, Culinary Arts, Welding, Music, Mechatronics, Horticulture, Automotive, the Horse Management program, the ROV team and other student and college activities.

The LBCC Foundation team, left to right: Donna Mainord,
Dale Stowell, Cynthia Currin, John McArdle,
Paulette Myers and Jim Birken.

LBCC is transitioning this term from calling student email “Roadrunner Mail” to calling it “LBCC email.” The decision is based on student feedback on when we use “Webrunner” and when we use “Roadrunner,” resulting in some confusion. The goal is to make it clearer for students. The official name change will take place beginning winter term. Librarian Richenda Hawkins is leading the effort, with a request that faculty and staff review class materials for reference to “Roadrunner Mail” and change that reference to “LBCC email” for winter term materials.

The Career Technical Education Open House held Oct. 24 generated 34 new admissions applications, with 49 programs participating. Kim Sullivan in recruitment led the effort, which brought approximately 100 potential students to LBCC campuses and the horse center. The feedback has been positive, and they are looking to hold the event again.

Insider published by: LBCC Advancement Marketing Office
Writer/Editor: Lori Fluge-Brunker, Communications Specialist, College Advancement

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